the lamb and wolf have a special sense of one another.
I read this today....and it really hit so close to home.
in full....a friend wrote, "if you are insightful and forgiving, you will be the first target and the worst threat to the nut job with the most problems. The lamb and the wolf have a special sense of one another. You gnash your teeth and smile and no one else is the wiser.
there are people...wolves....who use psychological warfare to make themselves feel better....and then...
there are lambs...
that end up being the victims of this, because- lambs- by nature...don't have the desire...the MO to scare others to control them....lambs do not bully....
and in order for the lamb to survive this kind of attack...they almost have to put on wolf clothing...and start behaving like a other wolves....which is totally against all that a lamb wants to be....
so.....the lamb gets caught between a wolf...and wolf's clothing.....when all they want to do is...
enjoy...and be comfortable.....being a lamb.
the key is to.... be continued.
there are lambs...
that end up being the victims of this, because- lambs- by nature...don't have the desire...the MO to scare others to control them....lambs do not bully....
and in order for the lamb to survive this kind of attack...they almost have to put on wolf clothing...and start behaving like a other wolves....which is totally against all that a lamb wants to be....
so.....the lamb gets caught between a wolf...and wolf's clothing.....when all they want to do is...
the key is to.... be continued.
peace...and love....and living in a a lamb.....with wolves...(as she starts reading Sun Tzu, and starts penning, A Survival Thrival Guide for Lambs).