Wednesday, May 11, 2016

base camp....

I'm on a vision quest....and about every year.....i feel like i reach a base camp.

and then I get prepared for the next leg.

when I got to this base camp...I realized that....i've been severely handicapped.  I opened up my backpack of supplies and tools and found....

a mess of tools that won't do me so well for what I've been trying to do and what I need to do coming up.

plus my supplies ran dangerously low last trek.  starving and in need of supplies.

and this just won't do.

and if you just stumbled upon my blog for the first time... yes.  I'm all about the analogy.

I have a PhD in Linguistics...and I'm all about the search for patterns and connecting them to something bigger....

and so the kind natural route.

the next few blogs will be....hopefully...working through some of the things I'm going to need....before I set off again.

so here we go.....

sometimes a tool you used.....just doesn't cut it anymore.  The tool is either dull....or your path changed and you just can't get by anymore with it.

and sometimes when the path changes, and you don't recognize that it did...and you keep using that same damn tool....thinking it will work in all just doesn't.

like when you switch from driving a manual to an automatic...and you keep going for the clutch.

sometimes you normalize things and get by with the minimum when your journey actually requires a full set of tools and

when you start realizing the tools you are missing and then actually start using those tools....

voila.  you can make way better progress.  

some people just sit on a rock and think,  gee....I wish I could figure out what I need.

that happens too.   sometimes you don't even know WHAT you need until someone comes along and points out... don't have a pick axe?   HOW COULD YOU BE ON THIS JOURNEY WITHOUT ONE???  and HOW THE HELL HAVE YOU MADE IT THIS FAR WITHOUT ONE?

oh man, I know......

once someone puts a pick axe in your hand and you get to use it for the first time.

damn. that is magical .

we all have to learn from each other.....and some people have a much better handle on assessing the journey....what is needed...what will be needed.....what you can do without.

and sometimes you just have to figure those parts on your own.

but when someone hands you a pick axe and this.

I suggest you use it and be thankful.....because that one tool could really save your ass one day.

and this might all make sense to you.....or you might read it and go...what in the fuck?  but....

if it makes sense to you...go ahead and share it...and if you have a pick axe to share....make sure you do so.

Today.....I was at the vet.  I noticed a woman come in and walk up to the counter.  her dress was unzipped in the the last 6 inches. can ignore this.....and let her figure it out on her own...

or can do what I did.....and...

I walked up to her....and told her, quietly.. "your dress is lovely....let me zip it up for you."   I brushed her hair out of the way and zipped it.

and she was so grateful.  her husband was supposed to and forgot....and she was headed to the grocery store next.

peace and love....and making perfect use of the tools you have and acquiring the tools you need.....

because the path changes.

and so should your tools.

Monday, May 9, 2016


I'm a lover....

not a fear-er.


being a lover sounds better than being a fear-er.  Some people don't even realize how much they fear...or how much fear steers them in their life... fears that shouldn't even be fears....


Love is that strength and faith and resolution to move forward with fearlessness.

If there are truly two emotions....Love and Fear...and all thoughts and behavior run through either of these two veins...


you can reduce your words.....and thoughts....behavior and the original source.   This is to that person...

the one who spends life competing.  treating life like a competition....getting emotionally rewarded by 'winning'....

what of competition? and people who always want to 'beat' someone- or something....

 competitive and need to be 'right'.....fear....fear of losing.

who loses out? the constant need to be 'right'.....the people around you who have to deal with this fear...

and who are constantly argued with just so you can argue your point louder and end up forcing your 'rightness'.....and what about your 'rightness'.....were you actually 'right'?  or were you just obnoxiously louder....

and then...of course- you suffer......when you wanted so much to 'win' all costs.... it ended up costing a whole lot.

it costs a whole lot.  you're smarter than that.  come on.  You risk reward scenarios....

Love doesn't argue like that.   Love doesn't have to 'win'.....  Love doesn't walk around trying to be 'right'....

Love is love.  Love has no fear of losing.....because love is just fine being love.

what do I mean by this?  I mean....when you act with love....and you let go of your attachments to appearance and winning...

you just are.   contentment and bliss.....just being.  Because you love yourself and don't have to prove a damn thing....

I used to hesitate to make if I was going to do something 'wrong'....but you know what?  fuck it....what does that even mean?  "wrong" ......  I just started a mural....didn't plan it....didn't sketch it out....didn't sit and ponder what the fuck I was going to do....

i got an idea...

I went for it.

I poured some paint....grabbed some brushes....a cup....some water.... and I just painted.


I love to paint....and I don't fear.

peace..and love....and fearlessness.  

Monday, May 2, 2016

the sweetest thing...

I was going through a quiet phase of no music...just didn't have the desire to turn on the music....

which is weird....because I always have music's like my morning coffee....the melodies move me physically...

but...I stopped playing music....and I realized day.  that I wasn't turning the music on...

and then...

I heard a song...that turned my day around... (GO! by M83)... . see HERE for the video of this sketch. 

.the kind of song that hits you and you're instantly reminded....

that there is a before....and after that song.  like friends....

when you meet that special friend...and life before them...oh, how was life before them?  and now that you know can life ever be without them?

sometimes you have to remind yourself that

the sweetest things....can turn your world around, if you appreciate them and really let yourself feel how they change your


take a moment and understand that feeling you get when someone reaches in and strums



peace and love....

and life's symphony