Tuesday, December 29, 2015

the remedy

the remedy is the experience....

as Jason Mraz says...

I was listening to a youtube video of Jason Mraz talking about how he wrote the song, The Remedy (I Won't Worry)...

he was inspired to write it when he found out a close friend of his had cancer....

the anthem, his friend's beautiful approach to the disease was.......I won't worry my life away...

too much time is spent worrying about things...

if you got the poison then i've got your remedy.

and the experience.....your outer experience is created by your inner experience....

(say that 10 times and let it sink in)


 (*********I want to thank my neighbors for magically making their huge oak trees turn into a vast green galaxy when the sun goes down...

it blows my mind every single time I pass their house.)

Tick Tock....tick tock....I started this blog....a long time ago.....

....and then weeks have gone by and this blog still sits unfinished, because....

I've been so sick the last 2 weeks that I haven't been able to put energy into my passions....and that sucks the soul out of me.... ugh.

and well...a new year is coming and it is time for some change....because 2016 is gonna be outstanding.

and i see these 'fuck it' lists trending everywhere....and it makes sense.  Stop piling stuff on a list 'to do' and start taking things off.....things you can just say 'fuck it' to.   like...fuck it to Bucket lists....

because I don't want to totally have to strive to complete some list of stuff I don't necessarily want to do...and

sometimes life is a surprise and hands you things way more life changing than doing anything on a bucket list.

taking care of your soul and what you need on a soul level....is mandatory, to live a full, deep, and courageous life....to me, I think that is living a successful life....a great life.

if you can't look at yourself deeply and connect to yourself deeply....you can't connect to others deeply...you can't connect to your world deeply....and maybe you just get stuck living a half life.

so maybe it's time...and maybe that's why all these 'fuck it' lists are trending.  maybe people are looking for a deeper life.

because when we look at something in binary terms....or even make one of those flow charts where we have to ask ourselves questions....things get clearer....

do you want to feel good?  yes...then do the things that make you feel good.  if it makes you feel shitty...don't do it.

do you want to be happy?  yes.  then do the things that make you happy...if it makes you unhappy....ditch it.

do you want to bring happiness to others?   then take care of the above two....and it will happen automatically.

because people who feel good about themselves...and are happy and at peace....take care of others and celebrate them.

I know...  there's always exceptions...to everything.  but seriously....get to know yourself, deeper and unlock the mystery. :)  

fuck it to:

black Friday.....totally.

believing illusions

fake self- live with authenticity speaking your truth

indifference....make a difference..by golly....even if it means you help someone you don't know...have a brighter day

inaction....it is time to stop letting the world pass you by...and start taking action.  jump in the game.

ok...now sleep on it...and think about all the things you will let go....to make you happy.

peace and love....and saying fuck it in the new year to things you should say fuck it to.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


i think the key is...


i love reading forums and how people answer forum questions....

I read this:

When certain food are heated properly, their internal flavors are heightened to a whole new level of flavor and that's why they taste so good. 

so maybe you're that kind of food...that needs to be heated up....and then your flavors are heightened...

and you reach a whole new level of flavor.

some people are cold turkey.

but I think you.....you must be like....a molten cheesy enchilada....you must be the whole enchilada who needs some heat and all the flavors get married together.


it is just that easy.

peace and love and heat...

Monday, December 7, 2015


here's the thing...

you gotta have struggle....and sometimes pain....and stuff that's uncomfortable....to make you want to climb that ladder...another rung.  one more step to make you climb...

the rungs of joy and pain...and sunshine and rain (credit to rob base for that)...

you need to have a reason why...to keep climbing.  You don't like something?

 change it....

growth can be painful....it can make other people uncomfortable...

but your growth is not supposed to be in accordance with other people's plans and what they want for themselves.

when you're at the end of it all....you know...this life on earth....you look back and say....

wow, i'm really glad I did exactly what everyone else wanted...because it made me a happier person...I didn't need to have my own dreams...I just followed what they wanted for me....


that's rewarding?   I dunno....maybe some people can be happy with that....some people like it when other people order their ice-cream for them....and they always get handed vanilla..and they are happy with that.

what do you want to be?  do you want to pick out your own ice-cream?  something less-vanilla?

what if you are a powerful lion.....who sits in captivity....and gets gazelles handed to you.

what if everything was so much mediocrity of ...freaking... just good-enough- mediocre gazelles handed to you.....and you were happy with that....

you'd never change anything... it's safe...

sometimes, people are like that....sitting in a zoo, in captivity, having life determined for them.....

sometimes...something has to suck ass....

so you change something.  although...sometimes, even when things suck ass people sit in that suck ass zoo.....

and it's weird....because the door isn't locked...and they can push the gate open and walk out.

think outside of the zoo.

it's like...taking that moment.....the one where you always do that thing on Tuesday or Wednesday..because that's what you do....

and just...do something different.

or learn something different...

or just pick

cherry...instead of vanilla.

and the small movements of expression lead to a change in thought...in words and action....

and then the wheel starts spinning.

and you move to change....because change is good for the soul and you realize....

the more you love and take care of yourself...

the more love you can give....

peace and love....

Sunday, December 6, 2015


my son loves Tinkerbell.  She's magical and kind and inventive...what's not to love about her?

last night we were at a dollar...discount type store....because my daughter saw a crazy shirt hanging on a rack in front of the store.....she said the design looked like sound waves... looked like a spectrogram... <3 I love her.    and then....we went in and Jude wanted to pick something out...

he went to a Tinkerbell doll....and pointed and smiled...his super sweet smile...with light shining in his eyes.

I said, "Do you want that Tinkerbell?"  and he smiled and nodded...but he wouldn't pick up the doll...he wanted me to take it and go pay for it.

and at that moment...he was so vulnerable and trusting.... trusting that I wouldn't make him feel bad about loving that Tinkerbell..

I would never make him feel bad for that.

and I realized that this moment....was going to have an important impact on him...and it could go one of two ways....and I'm not going to be the one to discourage him about his free choice to love what he wants to love...and be excited about what he wants to be excited about.

He believes in magic...

but not only that.   He had a plan for that Tinkerbell.  She doubles as Joy from Inside Out (Movie)

and he made me sew a tiny little backpack for her...and he created the headquarters out of Lego.  If you've seen the movie, you know what I mean....the little control center equipped with levers and buttons out of lego for Joy (Tinkerbell).

He's so clever and thoughtful...so sweet and kind...so creative...

and I love him.

Friday, December 4, 2015



I recall a joke....there are many variations of it but i found this on the interwebs:

There was a preacher who fell in the ocean and he couldn't swim. When a boat came by, the captain yelled, "Do you need help, sir?" The preacher calmly said "No, God will save me." A little later, another boat came by and a fisherman asked, "Hey, do you need help?" The preacher replied again, "No God will save me." Eventually the preacher drowned & went to heaven. The preacher asked God, "Why didn't you save me?" God replied, "Fool, I sent you two boats!" 

and so...yes...there are many things to say about this joke...a few about the way it is worded...I mean, seriously...I would think that a preacher would recognize God's help... even in the smallest of gestures and signs...

but the take home message...is....

the Universe...God....spirit.... sends you help when you need it and you ask for it.

and this help can come in mysterious ways....

but it comes.

in forms you couldn't have dreamt up yourself.

because yeah...

miracles are that awesome.

the end.

peace and love...and help (ayuda)....because it comes...you just have to wake up and see it.