Thursday, March 31, 2016

once upon a midnight- dreary...

Tra la la la la bombardier this is the pilot speaking
And I've got some news for you
It seems my ship still stands no matter what you drop
And there ain't a whole lot that you can do
Oh sure the banner may be torn and the wind's gotten colder
Perhaps I've grown a little cynical
But I know no matter what the waitress brings
I shall drink it and always be full
Yeah, I will drink it and always be full
Oh I like coffee, and I like tea
I'd like to be able to enter a final plea
I still got this dream that you just can't shake
I love you to the point you can no longer take
Well all right okay
So be that way, I hope and pray
That there's something left to say  (Blues Traveler, Run-Around) 

Peace and love....and always standing.....

I love this song.....

the necessary....

needs....and necessary.

the essential.

find out what your essential is and then....make sure that you know how to have that essential in your life....and celebrate it.  Embrace it...and give power to it.

some things.....seem "nice" to have- maybe they make life a bit easier at times...but what is the essential?

the essential things are what makes you happy.

the unnecessary cloud the environment....and sometimes makes a big puddle where the essential get blocked out.

back to basics...and you are left with what?

what is essential to you?

a bunch of surface relationships that take away from deep and meaningful connections?


a whole lot of distractions that prevent you from seeing what is fulfilling?

what is fulfilling to you?

which brings me to the point.....what does it mean to be fulfilling?   Some friends or acquaintances that you know....might not share a deep connection with you....however....

It always makes me....wonder.  Why people feel the need to do mass deletings of "friends" on FB.   as if all these people they aren't actively communicating with are just.....deletable?

that somehow this person who is listed as your friend is just someone you absolutely can't learn from...or you can teach them something....

I just.....I don't see the purpose of that.  How we do anything is how we do everything....and I couldn't  put my experiences in a safely locked box...clutter free....I dunno.

but some people want to 'simplify' their they just start tossing things out...people and friends and old t-shirts.

as if this will give them a clutter free life.

I think they are missing the bigger picture.....I think....and I feel....that deconstruction of something....the

stripping down to the basics.....

the 'simplifying' and abstracting to the essential,

means that you identify your


If all you do is throw everything away, just to "simplify" ....and miss the point of identifying what is your essential...

you just end up with an empty room....and empty experiences....with less people around to share and grow with.....

what you can do is....gain your essential.....respect your necessary....embrace your basics...flow into them and feel

deeper connections..... fill the fulfilling with yourself.....reaching ever deeper the meaningful.  

Maybe you need to throw it all out and start fresh?  maybe a blank canvas helps you realize what you really need?

for me....I have a box of watercolors....and acrylics sometimes weaved together....with brushes....and everything hanging out in the same space....

but there are essentials that I always go to....the ones that I need.  the brush I always need...the color that I always need....and those are the ones I go to....always.

and it's ok if they also live with the other brushes and colors.....that's ok. Sometimes the other colors come out....sometimes the other brushes....

but the go-to- ones....I share a special connection with....and I've identified these....they speak to me in a way that no other ones do.  We sing a special song together.  We are harmony, we are deep understanding, we are unwavering and unconditional.

so much happens in the day that we can place so much emphasis on what needs to be done...instead

of how we need to be with each other and with ourselves.

I hear too many times in my home "You know what we need...."   I cringe.  So much "need" but what

is the truly necessary.    Everyone has their own necessary...

find your necessary.

peace and love....and essence.

Friday, March 11, 2016

no erasing....

I don't use reason is that I always lose them so I never have them on hand.....

which is maybe the only reason why

I just don't use them.... ?       I'm just used to not having them and not using them...

and also.... whatever line I put down....can be used.  Use everything....use the weird line....and surround it with other lines that are approximately where you want lines to be....learn from off it.

commit to the mark.....take a breath and put it down on the paper.... words....don't really go away even if you try to erase it make your mark in life...and on the paper...

with intention to create



make good and do good.....peace and love.

accidental tourist....

it is a rainy day....

fresh smelling...and everything growing.

i'll jump right in...

I like being a tourist and I don't mind looking like one...I'm there to learn and explore and see what is waiting to be discovered...

I don't mind holding a map in my hand...I'm not there to look a certain way...or conceal my intentions.  I'm not there to build up a wall around me as I walk through the city...I'm open and vulnerable to its mysteries.  I'm there to open my eyes and ears and take it in.

much like...when you meet a person for the first time.  You are a tourist....visiting their they are a tourist visiting yours.

you can be open....vulnerable....receptive....give them kind directions if they get lost....give them a tour of all the awesome places....and if you trust can show them the stuff that isn't on the general map.

and when you visit get to see them as a tour guide into their place.  Some people are just as open as when you were hosting them.  Some people take your hand and share with you all the weird and wonderful.  They share their lexicon...they share the crazy places reserved for people who appreciate and love being there.

and some people.....see you as a tourist and spit in your face....close the doors....board up the windows....

and kick you out.

right?   and so....when you get kicked do the same.... who wants someone like that in their own town?

and sometimes you're an accidental stumble on someone who surprises you and you take a strange turn and're the tourist....when you didn't even expect to be.

I love these adventures.  You stand in line at the ski lift and go on a special trip...

some people can surprise you and take you by the hand when you didn't even expect to go anywhere.

that is connection.

however.....invitations and guided tours are special and when you are presented with the chance to go somewhere...

you should go in peace and love...and being happy with your  OWN place helps you be happy in their place...

safe never know where you will end up or who you meet....or who you will influence.

you can learn something from every single place you go.....

peace and love....and accidental tourists...visitors....and guests.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

get happy first....

this is just....a quick one.

get happy first.  

I was reading about happiness.....

you know...because everyone wants to be happy....but sometimes....happiness seems so elusive.

and it said get happy first.

don't try to get that job that you think will make you happy.....

don't try to get those good grades, to then get that then make more then buy that car and big house.....and then think those things will make you happy.....that isn't happiness, nor is it success.

plenty of people are unhappy after doing all that....because they missed the real path to happy. they spend their whole life searching for happy....they never bothered trying to feel happy inside first....they keep trying to get fulfilled by things...once they obtain them...they feel the same empty unhappiness inside....

happy can only ooze from you..... from the insides out.


get happy first.

and let it ooze out of you...and all that other stuff that comes after that.....won't be the things that make you happy...

you will just BE happy....regardless....but you will enjoy everything more...because your happy doesn't depend on any of that...

Monday, March 7, 2016


today I was pushed to write down my thoughts and feelings....

and this one....this thought still pops in my head....


I was compared to  "chocolate cake"..... and that.... just isn't good to have chocolate cake all the time.

and that is how I was broken up with.....because I was like chocolate cake...

fuck...who wouldn't want chocolate cake all the time?

I'm just saying...thinking back on it....that was a pretty lame reason.....I guess some people just can't

handle having chocolate cake.

peace...and love....and chocolate cake.   every day.