Friday, March 11, 2016

accidental tourist....

it is a rainy day....

fresh smelling...and everything growing.

i'll jump right in...

I like being a tourist and I don't mind looking like one...I'm there to learn and explore and see what is waiting to be discovered...

I don't mind holding a map in my hand...I'm not there to look a certain way...or conceal my intentions.  I'm not there to build up a wall around me as I walk through the city...I'm open and vulnerable to its mysteries.  I'm there to open my eyes and ears and take it in.

much like...when you meet a person for the first time.  You are a tourist....visiting their they are a tourist visiting yours.

you can be open....vulnerable....receptive....give them kind directions if they get lost....give them a tour of all the awesome places....and if you trust can show them the stuff that isn't on the general map.

and when you visit get to see them as a tour guide into their place.  Some people are just as open as when you were hosting them.  Some people take your hand and share with you all the weird and wonderful.  They share their lexicon...they share the crazy places reserved for people who appreciate and love being there.

and some people.....see you as a tourist and spit in your face....close the doors....board up the windows....

and kick you out.

right?   and so....when you get kicked do the same.... who wants someone like that in their own town?

and sometimes you're an accidental stumble on someone who surprises you and you take a strange turn and're the tourist....when you didn't even expect to be.

I love these adventures.  You stand in line at the ski lift and go on a special trip...

some people can surprise you and take you by the hand when you didn't even expect to go anywhere.

that is connection.

however.....invitations and guided tours are special and when you are presented with the chance to go somewhere...

you should go in peace and love...and being happy with your  OWN place helps you be happy in their place...

safe never know where you will end up or who you meet....or who you will influence.

you can learn something from every single place you go.....

peace and love....and accidental tourists...visitors....and guests.

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