Friday, July 21, 2017


When I started this journey....a journey of awakening.  I was so naive to what was happening.  I was simply going with the flow in the beginning...the chaos...the fear...the much wrapped up in every single day.

I felt dictated by the boundaries of the mundane world.  I felt each foot step hard on soil climbing upward.  I felt hot and sweaty.  I felt tired and thirsty.  Each step reaching a new part of the journey and a new view to take in...a new lesson to learn.  I'm still learning, but the biggest difference is that I realize that I do not take in these sights any longer from the mountain.  The last blog, I think I expressed that I had reached the top.  I looked around and thought...what next?  When I had rested enough.

I took off....flying from it all.  With a higher view and the freedom of winged transport.  I hadn't thought that was possible.  Maybe I had to walk that far to see the view and make the next decision to become freer.  To push limits.

I realize that I am not bound to the things I accepted as limiting.  I've experienced things in this last year that would have completely thrown me a few years ago.  Now I'm able to process them.

and some crazy shit has happened.  I understand that I process this world with...ummmm....better processors....Sharper...more perceptive.

It is as if....I can suddenly hear dog whistles.  Analogy.  yes.  Vague...yes.  but....I'm sure someone out there knows what I am talking about...

the a big, limitless place....developing better tools to experience it is not only....the most fucking brilliant thing ever.....scary yes, but exhilarating.....

it makes everything....a miracle and a mystery.... son is playing Zelda....a lot.   it's like find more tools to get a paraglider.....

and you fly that shit around.....

Crazy?  no....but so many people just can't fathom the kind of tools that are available if you open your mind.

I'm on a whole different journey now...

peace and love and


the view is amazing, by the way.

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