Thursday, January 14, 2016

escucha me...

in college, I spent some time studying Spanish in 1994...amazing experience...

without much English spoken around me...I was forced to rely on my Spanish...and in that time, I started to dream in Spanish....I remember one morning waking up...and I could not speak.  I was so confused as to what language I spoke...I couldn't speak for a few minutes...and I sat there in bed...searching....for language.  Bizarre.  It is said, that when you dream in a 2nd really start to get fluent.  Of course, if you don't use starts to fade. 

if fingerprints.....fingerprints....DNA and physical evidence places people in places....a physical place...

then them in a mental, psychological place....

and the words they select...if you listen close enough....can tell you what the intent, where the thoughts take residence....

as a linguist....through research and tuition...I've been exposed to training that makes things....certain things stand out....

the way a phrase is turned....the intonation used.....the words strung together...the order of words.....words emphasized....

they tell a story....

sometimes they seem fragmented....the messages.....but over time.... you can piece together patterns...

you would have to be a lifeless robot for the communication that gets conveyed in a message to mean nothing...

that is the purpose of communication.  

Sometimes the most important message is subtle....

but it doesn't mean it is any less important....

just listen...and you will hear it.  

I've been deeply connected and moved by language my whole life.... so yeah it is a passion of mine...

there is this thing that happens...when you do a dance with your is the most beautiful synchronized movement.  total alignment.  

I have been sick for a month...feels like.forever.....I got pneumonia....and....

although I'm still really tired....

I am now feeling a bit better....and the sun is shining...

peace and love...and cypher.  

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