Monday, January 18, 2016

gordian knot....

it is that impossible knot....and all it that....brilliant....think outside the box....mentality....

and voila.  

just take some scissors and....

as Sting said,

"can't see for the brightness, staring me blind."

sometimes you have to start thinking in a meta-thinking sort of way.....

as is the case with most things that require thinking.

I probably have always been the person who maybe surprised other people by this because of my spirited.....attitude.....

they never really suspect that I'm...thinking.  

I've had to prove it way too much to certain people and that is exhausting.....

they don't just hand out PhDs, you know.  gordian knots....

1 comment:

  1. Finally, I have grown tired of proving to people that I am capable of thinking or doing anything of value or purpose. I no longer care if they think so or not. For me it has become a waste of time. What do I care what someone thinks of me. Those who know how to think will know my spirit and appreciate what I do. Those who never notice my gifts will never be convinced that I am worth anything no matter how much I might try to prove it to them. I must know within myself that God gave me the gifts I possess, and if He is the only one who sees them and I use them properly, it is enough. It gives me peace not to be noticed and it gives me peace to be noticed at the same time, because my worth lies not in the opinion of others but within me. If I may bring joy to others through the ability to express myself, then that is good. If not, and what I do is not appreciated or is rejected, then I move on until I find someone who is made happy by what I do. I have no control over the acceptance reaction of others. I only have control of my attitude when what I do is accepted or rejected. If art or music or anything else I do brings joy to me, then I have accomplished something beautiful. If it brings joy to others, that is an unexpected blessing, and I will receive it with gratefulness. If not, the joy returns to me.
