Monday, June 6, 2016

be love...

if you can reduce emotion to just two emotions....

love and fear.

be love.

fear is constricting.... love is expanding.

it is just feeling love...the feeling of love...the acting with love...the speaking with love....

it is self love...and self respect.   it is keeping yourself high and light....and releasing energy that pulls you down....weighs you down.

you get....what you give energy to.   If you give off negative speak engaged in the world and people around you negatively.....

this is what you live out.   24/7 365.    You reinforce those neural do physical harm to your body, mind, spirit....soul.  all of it.

love instead.   Be loving to yourself.  Lift yourself up.  Lift another person up.

be love.

when you are love....people can breathe easier around you.  your air is beautiful.  people want to be there.  to feel that love....

think about a room full of love...with people who are all about love for themselves and love for others.

love expands.

when you are fear....there is an emptiness....a hurts others to feel your fear. it is hard to breathe here.

fear constricts.

be love.  feel love.  smile love....drink love.  pause and feel love.  because it flows like energy....

it is energy.

the best energy.....that you could have flowing through you.

think of....the thing that makes you feel giddy and happy and light.  If you start developing the pathway...and learn that feeling of love and light....then....pretty soon, you won't even need the visual input.  You just can access the feeling of love....bam.  just like that and ride that wave.

it's like a kid....when you played keep off the floor.  pretending the floor was hot lava or something that could really hurt stayed on the tops of all the furniture....

spend a day like that.....keep off the floor....and away from fear......stay up....and the love zone.

cheesy?  yeah...but.....  that's the feeling to tap into....

light as a feather on love.....does wonderful things to your whole being...

getting consumed by lava......not so much.

peace....and love.

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