the purpose of this whole blog has been to document a type of journey...a vision quest...hence the name...
and I have reached the top.....the top of this mountain anyway. It has been a journey of self discovery....seeking the truth about so many things and
over time, I felt I reached "basecamps" where I would regroup, recharge....learn....revisit mistakes....errors in judgement....foot placement as I climb...but...
this....part...I can honestly say feels like....I have made it....I have reconciled so much...I've learned so much...I feel like when I read all the fun self help bits of advice....I've got it...and I have let so much go that I feel as if I'm just the pure embodiment of love and hope and peace...
and now what?
I think it is time to enjoy the view for a while.....everything makes so much more sense now....
and the way I have evolved over these two years or so has been......
a miracle in itself.
we are all growing constantly... sometimes when you pay attention you can feel yourself grow...
sometimes growth happens so gradually that when you measure where you've come after 2 years....
you can see the progress you've made.
today I sort of had a break know when you are exhausted from a hike or journey and
the last PUSH through...
and you end up at that spot....where you can survey 360 degrees....and
reap the rewards of it all.
do I sound arrogant? meh. if that is what your perception is of this...then there might be so much more that is triggering this feeling....and that isn't me...that is something in you that is reflecting....and it's time to take a deep look inside yourself. I'm ok....and if reading this blog makes you feel something negative....then
you might not be ok. and if that's the case....then there is nobody who can say or do things to upset you, unless you let them....and if you let them....then there is a reason for that....
for me.....the peace and tranquility....that is how I feel......that is my reality...and that is the most beautiful feeling.....
so much searching and seeking.....
peace and love...and taking a break to wonder at it all.
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