there are people out there who will want to encourage you...you will feel it. It feels good.
and then there are people who hurt inside...who are insecure...they don't want to encourage others....
you will feel this...
it feels bad.
Don't water relationships that feel bad. They will continue to feel bad....and they will not get better.
This is simple. When people show you who they are...listen. If they tell you words that contradict who they show you...
listen to how they make you feel when they aren't using their words.
Save your water for loving relationships.
Conserve water....if you have limited water...do you want to waste it on something that is dying or dead?
Some people won't ever realize the way they treat you is horrible. They will not listen to your feelings and they will probably have a very limited capacity for love.
move on.
And if you are about to ask..."why? why do they do that?"
That is not for you to find out....your next question should be.....Where is my love?
and then....
you should look inside yourself.
Because that's where your love is.
and love....
and setting your sails inward.
You help me so much! I love to read your heart