One night...just a couple days before the last super crazy full moon...La Bella Luna.
I was lying in bed...having a hard time gaze rested on....curves....resting in moonlight...and syncopated by the shadows of blinds... with the contrast of white and landscape looked like a zebra....
and as I followed the curves...bright with moonlight....and dark in valleys...
I was inspired....and wanted to paint...and wished that I could, in the dark....and capture that landscape...I would have made the shadows all...watercolor-y bleeding with blues...and purples...
but it was late.... and I had to get to bed...but I kept thinking of it and how I would paint it.
and I began to think of the body as a more abstract terms... with mountains....peaks...and valleys.
looking down at myself...I took a pic....and did a quick small watercolor while on vacation....(see, Private Idaho)
but today...and last night... I wanted to do something more...fertile and ripe...celebrating the round...beautiful and round....shape of life. the perfect place to grow life...the perfect milk to feed perfect life. La Bella Luna....
I like how...the perspective is...first person...the view of- and interpretation, from the holder of the brush...and the colors...of twilight...
and details..
the right side....
and the left side...I have become quite fond of painting peaks.
beauty...and celebrating wonder why fertility goddesses look all round and full... full of life...swollen with potential....
I hope I can capture the moon landscape again. With the new moon coming up, it will be a while until I see the full moon again, pouring into the room... ;) giving birth to new creative adventures...birth...and affirming forces...and all that jazz.
(from the Met Mueseum, Lajja Guari, Fertility Goddess ca. 6th century)
here's to
Love...and peace....and life.
and banana popsicles....(also banana slurpees will do)....I love me some artificial banana flavoring.
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