Thursday, September 18, 2014

two trees

there is a tree...

I drive by it every single day....sometimes up to four times a day...

it is my tree....that is how I refer to it... like, "Oh, there was a hawk in my tree today."

it stands in a few acres of houses going up around it.... but it sits in the middle of this field....a tree.... alone.  I don't know...I guess I just identify with it....

it stands there....changing with the seasons...and I always want to take picture of it...tracking it through the seasons....

and there it stands... alone...but not lonely.   it stands there, strong...and beautiful...

my tree....

and today...I finally got out of the car....walked up to it...and took its picture....

because, for the last few days, I've noticed that one half of it is all bright and sunshiny yellow....and the other half is green.

and discovered....

my tree isn't just one tree...split in half...

my two trees....standing together....(my daughter always thought it was two).  not alone...not lonely....

but, with strength and comfort...

and it made me smile...

love...and peace....and two trees.

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