Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Calling all Angels....

it was a normal around trying to get kids ready...running numerous errands...always thinking ahead ten minutes to figure out what I need to do next...

I dropped Jude off at school...totally forgot that I had to bring a picture of a jungle animal to school with him....

I ran back out to the car...found a perfect piece of cardstock and some markers and set to work drawing and coloring a an artist...that's the kind of shit you can grab out of your back pocket.....



and off to the next stop....

and as I drove to the car have them take a look at a passenger side mirror that I crunched against the garage....

I saw a man....trying to get some change from cars stopped at the intersection...and I immediately was drawn to him....

My car was a few back...and as I reached for some change...the light turned green....and I was off to the car place...

but....I thought...I'm going to come back this I'll make a point to get to him...and

when I finished...with the car place...I passed the intersection...saw him on the other side, so I knew I had to do a U-turn to head back his way...

oh...yeah.  I wasn't gonna let this go.

I grabbed a marker...drew a heart and a smile on a napkin....grabbed a juice box (as a mom, the car is like a damn concession juice boxes are handy) and some money...

and as I circled back to where he was...he was already headed down the sidewalk away from the intersection....

so I tailed him.

that's right....I wasn't letting him go. :)

and I followed him to the parking lot of a Walgreen's type of place....where he was putting down his backpack.

I pulled right up to him.  He was an older gentleman...scruffy beard....

"Sir, I saw you at the intersection, but missed you, you go."  I handed him the goods...and gave him a big hug.

and angels were hugging him, as I did.  He smiled...and thanked me and asked if I had kids...

I said, yes, two.

He said...they are blessed to have a mom like you.

I said, thanks... :) and ..."I'll see you later."

sometimes....we all need to do some angel work....and give people a reason to hope for just bring the smile to a stranger's face...someone down on their luck....

I don't care what he does with the money I gave's not my job to judge's my job to show him a sign and give him a hug.... All Angels....

I need a sign to let me know you're here
All of these lines are being crossed over the atmosphere...
I need to know that things are gonna look up
'cause I feel us drowning in a sea spilled from a cup

When there is no place safe and no safe place to put my head
when you feel the world shake from the words that are said...

and I'm calling all angels....

I won't give up...if you don't give up.....

I need a sign to let me know you're here
'cause my tv set just keeps it all from being clear
I want a reason for the way things have to be
i need a hand to help build up some kind of hope inside of me....

I'm...calling all angels...'s to hope...and love...and peace....and walking the earth....

being that sign to people....because


changes everything. 


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