Friday, December 5, 2014

audentes fortuna juvat....

Fortune favors the brave....


opportunities multiply as they are seized.... Sun Tzu

this post is gonna be just is.   so sit back and be lifted....up.

if you are thinking about doing something positive, making a positive change in your it...

fortune favors the brave... 

back in the day...the origin of this phrase came from the belief that the Goddess of Luck, Fortuna will help out those who take risks.

so....get on it. 

I am partly writing this for my own kick in the junk.

I want to start contacting some galleries....and I am just about to make that leap...and what happens if I don't do anything? nothing and nothing changes.

I was looking around at how to make art prints and I found this....which is totally inspiring to me.

(found at

"Be fruitful and multiply! No stronger words can be spoken of a lonely work of original art hanging isolated on the wall of a single residence, hidden from society, being enjoyed only by the limited few that happen to wander past it.  After you plunge a small part of your soul into a visual creation, it seems sinful to prevent it from wandering across the globe with an agenda to enlighten others about your creative contribution.  Prints can accomplish this for you.  An original drawing is like a large oak tree planted firmly in the ground, and prints are like seeds from that tree, floating in the wind, traveling to distant places, looking for a new place to take root."

The same can be said about going out and making something happen- anything....

spreading love and happiness, like casting seeds into the air and seeing what happens, where they will fall...

The more you do something to change what you want to change....make more opportunities....the more something will change for you.  When you change your thoughts, you change your change how you perceive the world around you....and start opening up all kinds of opportunities for yourself.

Start that wheel turning and who knows what could happen?   the possibilities...although scary....are way too be fearlessness.....

you kick go out and kick ass...and help others kick their own asses so they can go out and kick ass on...and so on...

peace...and love....and Fortuna....and kicking A.....create the opportunities you want...

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