I listen to Howard Jones (guilty....yes, guilty) and think of things happiness....I think of climbing....ascending....growing....
breaking mental chains...right? you know...because...if you know Howard know New Song, of course...
I've been waiting for so long
To come here now and sing this song
Don't be fooled by what you see
Don't be fooled by what you hear...
This is a song to all of my friends,
They take the challenge to their heart,
Challenging preconceived ideas...
Saying goodbye to long standing fears...
Don't crack up, bend your brain, see both sides,
throw off your mental chains... (Howard Jones)
because sometimes there are things we accept in our life...that keep us...chained....a lot of times, we adhere to these things, willingly....unquestioning, accepting them because pressure from parents or family because disappointing them would be...difficult.
I was reading about how elephants are trained...and how, as babies, they are chained, restrained and since the chain is stronger....they can't break it...after enough attempts of trying to break free...they just give up.
and as they get bigger....they still think the chain is stronger than they are....and they don't even try.
so many mental chains we have....keeping us right where we are...just have to realize that you're stronger than that....and some people don't ever realize they are much stronger than their chains...they accept things just the way they are and they get comfortable with their chains....
anyway....this just kind of hit me today....after seeing the word of the day...that I saved.....scandent.
growing is good....climbing is good....learning stuff is good... :) keeping yourself in mental chains....chains that other people made for you, or that you made up yourself....not so much....think about that when you start to dream...
and this.... this is.....from Cordelia Calls it Quits blog. :)
I thought this was hilarious...
Well, Fuck That. Fuck It Hard
You are a mammoth, people-crushing ball of possibilities, and you have the power to roam wheresoever the hell you choose in this great adventure called life.
Are you really going to keep puttering around your same little circle, thanking life for the peanuts it throws you while you’re one good lunge away from infinite possibilities?
I don’t think you should. Because you know the secret now. You know the chain has no power except the power you give it in your mind. (Tweet, tweet!)
And once you know that? It’s awful hard to keep respecting the chain.
and....back to me.
what's around your foot preventing you from kicking ass today? Oh, and I read this one too, somewhere....
nurture the positive.....water the flowers, not the weeds...
change your thoughts, change your actions....change your life...
and the colors, heat...there's always heat...even on the darkest...coldest of days.
here's to peace....and love......and unconditional love....and taking the freaking jaws of life to cut through chains that keep you from kicking your own ass into who you are...and maybe you need someone else to come along and use their jaws of life....we all need help sometimes.
now go kick ass. :)
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