Friday, December 19, 2014


the recipe here...usually goes....painting, uplifting words, song I'm listening to, words, painting, closing.    and that's usually the recipe.  :)  today....i've got the words...the painting....and whatnot...but I'm missing the song....

I was painting and realized....a thing that happens in my paintings that totally amazes me...something I do that I hadn't really, fully....appreciated...something that looks cosmic....harmoniously beautiful, brilliant colors and chaos and the dichotomy of loose conciseness....or rather, the hypostasis of a free-flowing, yet grounded environment...balance and shared substance.

I usually do this wet on wet thing.  I get part of the paper wet, not the whole paper, just a small neighborhood....

and then I drop some color on it....and watch as the color spreads across the paper....but not only that....

those colors that contrast....that complement each and purple.....or yellow and purple...or green and red-dish.  the colors that I use to make a neutral color for a shadow.....the grey or brown...

so....wet color gets put on the paper.....and then another color next to it....and they meet, to create something special

and what happens is...I don't normally like to mix these colors together to create one color...I like to let both colors sit with each other....maintaining their own pigment...share their perfect hypostasis.  two things existing together.... creating one....yet..
the union maintains both beautiful colors...colors charge to swirl and spread as they will....

I like to pick up two colors this....and then let them get acquainted on the paper.

the only downfall to this method is that....this beautiful method dries- the effect is not quite as brilliant as it was when I enjoy it as it lasts....knowing that I'm the only one to see the genesis of this quiet union....

so, yeah....I'm all about hard edges....

the way the paint will naturally dry without a lot of manipulation or force.....because forcing things, never works for me....and this wet on wet's what gets me excited to watch beautiful things blossom in front of me....and love whatever it ends up doing...accepting what the paint needs to do...what the paper needs to do....all coming together to be what they need to be.

and the

maintaining of variation....variation dedicated to life's richness....full and brilliant....


colors charging towards each other....magnetically pulled together...

hypostasis...a word to capture a complex yet simple and harmonious state of my watercolors....and so much more.

oh yeah...and the song....which is completely not....uplifting and spiritual...but is in some way adorably brash....

first things first, I'm the realest...

drop this and let the whole world feel it.... the whole world asking how I does that.... (Iggy Azalea) 

peace...and love....and hypostasis....

recognizing that two different things can come together perfectly and share their lovely existence...marbled together and stronger for it.

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