Tuesday, December 30, 2014

winter and happiness...

to the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.  Lao Tzu

This is totally true... all things are possible...just gotta have faith that they are...and love. 

today, this post is about happiness and what that means...totally weird, but when I was looking this up, about how people can be happy...or happier....

the key to this...I've read this before...but never actually felt it...until now...but, hang on....rambling....

the key to happiness is that happiness must be found within.  Funny thing is....if you don't know how to do this...or if you didn't stumble on it accidentally ... you might buy into all the myths about how to be happier...the myths that kind of...float around out there, on some level, some mass understood level that says certain things will make you happier....usually things...having things...or a bigger house....or a better this...or a better that....and all these things....don't make anyone happy.  You could be miserable in a big house or small house....you could be an unhappy person who has everything that they could ask for....all the things in the world, really won't give you happiness....the real kind of happiness...the kind that kicks your ass and makes your soul satisfied.  

anyway....speaking of New Year's resolutions...like maybe...trying to be healthier?  being healthier is great....but....usually the thing that people pick as a New Year's resolution is something that they think will improve their life...or make them happier....maybe someone wants to drink more water....because they think this will make them feel healthier...  ;) hydrating is great....but...then...without being happy....or doing the work to make yourself happy....you just end up being a miserable well-hyrdated a-hole.  some people don't want to do the work...they want the easy way...easy happiness....they might be happier watching viral videos of kittens on youtube.  that's fine....eating more veggies, drinking more water....isn't going to make you happy....healthier, yes...but healthy body...doesn't always mean...your soul is happy...and I kinda think your soul has to be happy for other things to really...stick.  

the thing is...when you are happy...really happy....

it's because you love yourself...you've done some work- and you love the shit out of yourself....because you are happy to be...you.  

and being happy to be in your skin.....is happy.  

and when you love yourself....your happiness doesn't hinge on getting the approval and feedback from others....and when you love yourself....you don't really care about what other people think....because you are happy...with yourself...and that's all...your happy is your happy...and nobody can change that...not somebody else's crappy mood....or some criticism from another person....that stuff can just....bounce off you.  

I read, when researching happiness, on a forum, someone wanted to know what they would need to do to find happiness within- for example...what, or which philosophy or belief system would they need to adopt to get this kind of happiness and what does it mean to find happiness within.  

for those who keep searching...and reaching for something external to make them happy....it won't ever happen....happiness will continually evade them...the snow will continue to fall and their happiness will hibernate.  

something that seems so simple....but can be so hard to get.....once you get it....you won't ever want to go back...

and when you are happy...and love yourself....all things are possible....because you are so very powerful....and bright....and it's all because of love.  

this may be a long post.....

what is also important is....knowing yourself....knowing what you are not...and what you are....

What is...and what is not....we, humans....must define things...this is how we process and analyze the world around us....can be so binary....so easy to categorize things....what feels good....what does not.....what we like....what we don't....

hold on to what feels good...and don't abandon your faith in what can be.  

but- seems.....the things that we don't like...things that we are not....these things are necessary to show us...what we are....who we are....what we like.....what we care about....the things that we are not....serve a purpose....to show us who we are.  

happiness is also, knowing yourself...   

having winter.....so to speak....and knowing... we don't like the cold.....we would rather have the warmth....

and again...

it is all because of love.... and perfect love...has no fear.  

yesterday, my daughter and I were driving...it was cold... 10(F)...we saw a teenager walking, holding two boxes of groceries stacked up...I drove by him....and acknowledged....yes, Universe...I see him....  :)   
I turned the car around...rolled down the windows...and said, "hey, do you need help? or a ride?"...  :)  

he, hesitated....and said.... unsure... "hmmmm, ok?"    

bam.   done....helped him with the groceries and told him to sit in the front.  He was home alone with his brother...the Mom was out of town...and he had a pretty good walk ahead of him....we gave him a ride home....and that is all.  

and how do you find happiness within?  just love.  that is all.  you don't need to drink more water....or get a different job....or move to another city...just love.

"One's destination is never a place, but rather a new way of looking at things." -Henry Miller


"the aim of life is to live, and to live means to be aware, joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely, aware." 

-Henry Miller 

peace...and love...and happiness...all of these things can be found within, they blossom and radiate outward....touching those around you....such a beautiful thing to see....and feel. 


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