Friday, October 31, 2014


There are The Police lyrics...that I love...and today....from the song, what I'm all about...appropriate...for tonight is Halloween!  

ok, they go like this...

I could make a mark if it weren't so dark, 
I could be replaced by any bright spark...

darkness makes me fumble, for a a door...that's wide open..... the have to use your peripheral vision... it's true.  the receptors in the eyes consist of cones, which are located in the center...and see color...and rods which surround these center cones...and see motion...and see in black and white...and rods...outnumber cones 17-1 apparently....and back in the day- when we actually needed to use our peripheral vision more...i.e., hunting....we relied on our rods.... more.  

in the dark, cones are useless...focusing on something you are trying to see....won't need to switch to peripheral vision...

and I'm no eye expert...but apparently....the photoreceptors around the outside of the retina, vs. the ones in the center...govern reflexive or instinctive  responses...widening your just...better.  :)  relax the overthinking and switch to the intuition...and right brained, creative thinking....and working through life's challenges...sometimes require a little right brained, creativity...peripheral vision...and not the straight on....hyper focus, narrow view...which engages the left brain....and logic.  Logic isn't always a good thing... logic....sometimes....can keep people locked in a box, in the dark...where they keep trying to focus....searching for a key....when the wide open.  

hahahhaahhaha....god....I love's just good to practice....exercise your peripheral vision...I guess it helps with reading, like speed reading...but also I'm sure must help with painting.... is today's quick quick sketch.  I am working on Dusty Crop Hopper repairs....


I really enjoyed the water...watercolor I did the other, I thought I'd continue....

peace...and love...and darkness....and peripheral vision.  


Have a great Halloween!   

Thursday, October 30, 2014

The time has come...HALLOWEEN!

it's the most...wonderful time....of the year!  :)  

HALLOWEEN!   I freaking love Halloween.  :)  

This year...I made a costume....totally made it...for my little guy.  I showed him a picture of a dusty crop hopper costume made out of boxes on pinterest...and he flipped for it...and that's what he wanted...saved boxes....took a box cutter to them....wrapped it up in duct tape..and voila!  


and to finish....

Sorry, I have no pattern in case you've stumbled here and want to know how to make this....I just winged it... :)  just have to break out the hot glue gun and start cutting up boxes.  

after a Halloween party at the preschool- the propeller was completely I have to repair that.....probably make it smaller too....

Our whole crew has costumes this year....I'm Aphrodite, Zoey is Elsa....Jude is Dusty and Jason is going as Bob...from the show Bob's Burgers... (which is a hilarious show, btw)...however....Jason is limited handing out candy this year...he has a cast on for 9 weeks....bummer, big bummer.  

and here is the art I put on his cast...


and here is me...


p.s. are off the hook buddy, thanks for keeping this Halloween snow free (knock on wood)...otherwise...the wrath...the wrath of Aphrodite would be felt...


Here's to peace, and love...and the goddess of Love.   <3  oh, and Sade....because I am almost certain Aphrodite would be listening to Sade, and probably not Avril Lavigne...


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

free hugs

I saw a blog somewhere....a fun, hippy mom...went somewhere, I think it was some where semi-touristy...west coast...maybe B.C., maybe Alaska...I don't recall..... she set up somewhere, with lots of people...and started giving out free hugs.


I want to do that...not in a creepy way...just...because...there's love to spread....and I think I'm supposed to do shit like this...and I'm still thinking about stalking Dr. Boris...  :)  oh yeah...he will get a visit from me.

anyways....along with make a person feel

one thing about me- music is huge for me and...I love Sade...I may have mentioned this.  I have to admit it.  She's powerful, sensual...loving....ooozing awesomeness...and she's totally bigger than people think...I mean...she has quite a following... (links to support this here. :).  yeah, says bigger than Adele....she's a freaking smooth operator...indeed.

her CD has been in my car for....jesus...years....years.  She's a constant in the rotation.  I would dance in my room as a teenager to her....I would dance in my apartment in my 20's to her...oh, yeah, I still dance to her.

She's all love....and sexy...and to dance to move to...she's not just 80's easy listening...totally...not.

her music carries me....through so many things.... her lyrics.....follow me...throughout the day...

"...had I not the strength and wisdom of a warrior....I would have to give up.  

but i'm thankful that I'm, strong as I am...try to do the best I can..." 

she moves my soul...ignites it...

back to free hugs.... people are weird these hugs...I don't any weirdness...I probably have to think about the demographics of my hug group...gotta be careful about these free hugs...

maybe some seniors need some's about random acts out to the universe...believe me...I don't want to give someone a hug who has hug-phobia....and right now, I have a horrible cough...and don't need to spread that along with hugs.

just quickly today...I know angles and perspective is off, but more about the practice than the game.  

so well as warm baths...are lovely...especially when you have a bad cough..

peace and love and your life with arms wide beats the other options... 

(check out my site, 


Monday, October 27, 2014


the heartbeat....follows iambic pentameter.... 

you know what else does?  reggae music...which I love...ah...and Sting....the Police stuff.....yes.   The English Beat stuff...yes.... all have it....I love English just always, hits the spot and makes me happy.  

and what else...ahhh...yes..... Shakespeare.... :) tons, loads of iamb.  

I wonder why we like the this type of rhythm.....maybe something we hold onto... something we remember from the womb...

a mother's

This is totally not what I was going to write about....I was going to write about how my soul is a burning red hot ember......and reveal all my super powers...and talk about other universal themes...but I will save that for another day.  

Yesterday...and Today is all about the iamb...the oh, so wonderful iamb...

and painting....this is 

and a close up....

the colors in this painting...totally remind me of the poplar trees around the fall, these trees, in their full fall glory, have leaves of green, yellow, orange, and red...all on one tree....which totally makes me feel all warm...and on fire....and that's why I painted this the colors of the poplar....I guess, I miss the midwestern palette....the trees around here are mostly just yellow this time of year...and then...bam....the poplars....have it all...I mean....the regular aspens around here...are beautiful...but...the other ones...the straight, tall,  

peace and love...and the heart...and glowing colors of Fall....oh and English Beat.  


Friday, October 24, 2014

golden and bronzed...

"I found I could say things with color and shape that i couldn't say any other way- things I had no words for."  - Georgia O'Keefe 

halloween is coming....i'm just....burning to get my costume together....

Aphrodite...I may have mentioned this a few times...

I can't wait!  the only thing dress hasn't come yet....I'm expecting it any day now...

but...I'm already getting the other pieces together...hoping...the dress will come....(cross fingers) 

i've got gold leafy things to put somewhere...and other gold things to places....I've got plenty of gold and bronze and glitter and whatnot to put in hair on skin....what-have-you...


I love Halloween!  

and I have created a costume this year for my little guy....a Dusty Crophopper...  I will post the steps for this in another blog...I have no idea how it came together...I had no pattern...just my intuition and tons of boxes to cut up...a picture from pinterest...and a quiet house for a couple hours so I could concentrate.  and voila.  I need to find a smaller anchor so I can make the propeller spin. 

ahhhh...and I just looked at the forecast....I'm gonna be a cold...shivering Greek....probably wearing sorels....brrrrrrrrrrrrrr.   and probably cursing out Zeus....damn you Zeus... you don't want the wrath of Aphrodite....

and today...just another quick know...kicking the ball around some more...

and..I have some work to do on that nose...but oh, well...just kicking the ball...

and....delicate little water marks....make magic.  

so.... love and peace...and speedy deliveries.....

Thursday, October 23, 2014

solar eclipse

some types of eclipses happen every 19 years...or something like that...crazy.

today's solar eclipse is also coinciding with a new hold on to your nuggets...I think some crazy things are happening out there...just sayin'- if you believe in that sort of craziness.

currently, I am working on a website of my watercolors....something I've been meaning to do, but just haven't....until now.

it's not live yet, it will take a few hours to get updated...but when it is...

today....just...chaotic and loose, like jazz....letting go....simply....not really trying....sometimes you gotta just...kick the ball around, so to speak....and practice... :) no pressure...just kick the crap out of the ball...kinda helps hit the reset button.


and then this one....

and then enhanced...

and this..again...because it is one of my favorites....

peace and love...and solar eclipses, which I *read* create the ultimate solar seed to plant in the new moon's womb (if you believe in that sort of thing)....just sayin', I won 52 beans....

in the crazy ass hippy words of Ziggy Marley....

free spirits gotta soar.... so, I'm fly...clear for take off.  


Wednesday, October 22, 2014


warm red...and cool blue...complete balance to create....violet....


the color with the highest frequency...highest vibrations... to lift your make you feel like flying....with feet still planted on the ground...the perfect recipe for happiness... :) 

the sun is shining today....the jazz is playing....and I'm ready to share this next painting...a small, for a larger one....

just a basic search about violet...landing on wiki and reading about how in ancient times...a certain shade of violet...Tyrian purple...created from a gland in certain types of sea snails...which would take thousands of make a bit of this was a luxury...expensive to make...and became a status thing...


no snails were injured in the making of this painting...

the watermarks on this background....beautiful....

so...yeah...I'm just a in captivity....your rule of thumb, makes me worry some....      no but is my place to shine and step out of the cave...enjoy the's hard to go back in the cave, once your face hits the sun.   (look up...some story about Plato the cave).   :)  

but seriously...I'm just a girl painting the things I see...what grabs me and takes hold...and attracts my senses...shapes and color...and yeah...I paint what is in my immediate focus a makes me happy... it makes me makes sense to's's love...and nothing but love.  

today, it's violet...tomorrow may be yellow, or green, or orange....maybe pink.  I'm not sure...going with intuition means to just let it happen, doing what you feel...enjoy the day around you...taking on the obstacles and laughing at them....

taking a deep breath....and few more deep breaths like that...and....pretty soon....natural high  :) 


like violet. violet....

which makes me think of the U2 song,, baby, baby....light my way, and all that.  

Monday, October 20, 2014

my blood type is B pos..  :)  be positive....that ain't no joke.  right?  :)  totally funny.

another quick study...loving this...working smaller and quicker... red....and grounded and beautiful and powerful....and even's hard to completely be true to what you it anyway....or try...try... 

embrace your power and strength....and courage...

because every single day brings challenges...but.. what makes strong people challenges are dealt with...with love and not fear- is always the answer....fear does nothing but create more fear.   

being red doesn't mean....seeing red...and being's burning strength that makes you grounded and able to persevere....burning hot and burning true...and shining in your way...embrace that. got me...I'm listening to Ziggy Marley... he always does this to me...whoa...especially when he covers his Dad.


red is the color of blood....blood is life.... is the place where music plays, magic happens, and dreams come true...and life...infinite possibilities.  

peace and love :)

tao...of love: be water

peaceful progress....effortless action...

from Bruce Lee, "be like water making its way through cracks.  Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it.  If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves..."

letting go and being water-like....flowing with life instead of struggling against it...if it's a might be time to....

find the flow...and be water.... 

quick quick studies....with flowing water.... 

some of the coolest things I've done...the most rewarding...the most awesome...these things were done from a place of flow....effortless struggle, no fight....peaceful surrender that feels right...just lost in the moment...accessing some part of the brain that is completely in-tune to what is needed, in that moment....feels like auto pilot...feels good....intuition kicks in and there's no over-thinking...and that's right in the heart (the heart...not mind) of things....right the sweet spot, where everything clicks and  pure joy...pure goodness....awesome-ness....and that's where it's at....the heart...

be still your mind....

and let your heart sing...what it has to sing...

peace and love...and flowing...and listening to what your heart has to sing.