Wednesday, October 1, 2014

like an old shoe....

it is OCTOBER!  where does the time go?

I'm painting...listening to Bob Marley...usually when I need a good boost of chill...but...the kinda warm bath soaking in just...chill...I listen to Bob Marley...and Ziggy too.  Ziggy's good too. I am....


Painting and thinking about....intuition.... for some reason...I've been thinking about intuition.   Oh! I know why....

I was reading a blog and in that said, about intuition, "explore what makes no sense but what we know to be true."

and the knowing....what we know to be true....without rational thought...ha....that's great.

the other day, I described feeling like an old comfortable shoe...that, just feels so good...and right.  you just know...

and defined at the old,, intuition is: direct perception of truth, immediate apprehension.

I mean- right?

ya. totally.  I think people need to use their intuition more...intuition is driven by the heart..and doesn't get the interference from the ego that the brain loves to throw on there.  freaking- ego....what a trouble maker that guy is.

thus...intuition is good and over thinking- over just stupid.'s my blog...I can say what I want....

so, yea....maybe I trust my intuition more than other things...and has served me well...has served me well.

Painting is like....totally being driven by intuition for me....just pure...feeling...when I get lost in a painting...

in the's like- auto-pilot...and i just brush to paper....and stuff happens.

and this is what's happening....

lately I have been zooming in on the small details....practice....for bigger things.

here is a reminds me of the Twizzler's mouth.  :)  ahhhh...delicious twizzlers...apparently make mouths happy.

I was goofing around taking pictures of different mouth positions.  :)   and continuing to focus on the small things... :)

another thing I like to do, is operate without in the morning..if I have to wake up really early....really early in the morning, in the winter...when it's still dark- I refuse to turn lights on....I shower in the dark...I get dressed in the dark....because my body needs time to wake up...and I hate the artificial light in the's harsh... plus...what do I need lights for?  to see things I know are there?  (intuition...see???)

I think I mentioned...I'm not a morning person... and I am preparing a blog post about this whole "early bird gets the worm" load...of..crap.  :) oh, yeah...I've been putting thought into that saying...I think is sending the wrong damn message. and....twizzlers....making mouths happy.  oh...and here's to happy smiling mouths.  


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