Monday, October 20, 2014

tao...of love: be water

peaceful progress....effortless action...

from Bruce Lee, "be like water making its way through cracks.  Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it.  If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves..."

letting go and being water-like....flowing with life instead of struggling against it...if it's a might be time to....

find the flow...and be water.... 

quick quick studies....with flowing water.... 

some of the coolest things I've done...the most rewarding...the most awesome...these things were done from a place of flow....effortless struggle, no fight....peaceful surrender that feels right...just lost in the moment...accessing some part of the brain that is completely in-tune to what is needed, in that moment....feels like auto pilot...feels good....intuition kicks in and there's no over-thinking...and that's right in the heart (the heart...not mind) of things....right the sweet spot, where everything clicks and  pure joy...pure goodness....awesome-ness....and that's where it's at....the heart...

be still your mind....

and let your heart sing...what it has to sing...

peace and love...and flowing...and listening to what your heart has to sing.  

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