Tuesday, October 28, 2014

free hugs

I saw a blog somewhere....a fun, hippy mom...went somewhere, I think it was some where semi-touristy...west coast...maybe B.C., maybe Alaska...I don't recall..... she set up somewhere, with lots of people...and started giving out free hugs.


I want to do that...not in a creepy way...just...because...there's love to spread....and I think I'm supposed to do shit like this...and I'm still thinking about stalking Dr. Boris...  :)  oh yeah...he will get a visit from me.

anyways....along with hugs...to make a person feel good....music.

one thing about me- music is huge for me and...I love Sade...I may have mentioned this.  I have to admit it.  She's powerful, sensual...loving....ooozing awesomeness...and she's totally bigger than people think...I mean...she has quite a following... (links to support this here. :).  yeah, says bigger than Adele....she's a freaking smooth operator...indeed.

her CD has been in my car for....jesus...years....years.  She's a constant in the rotation.  I would dance in my room as a teenager to her....I would dance in my apartment in my 20's to her...oh, yeah, I still dance to her.

She's all love....and sexy...and sensual...fun to dance to....fun to move to...she's not just 80's easy listening...totally...not.

her music carries me....through so many things.... her lyrics.....follow me...throughout the day...

"...had I not the strength and wisdom of a warrior....I would have to give up.  

but i'm thankful that I'm, strong as I am...try to do the best I can..." 

she moves my soul...ignites it...


back to free hugs.... people are weird these days...so hugs...I don't any weirdness...I probably have to think about the demographics of my hug group...gotta be careful about these free hugs...

maybe some seniors need some hugs...anyway....it's about random acts out to the universe...believe me...I don't want to give someone a hug who has hug-phobia....and right now, I have a horrible cough...and don't need to spread that along with hugs.

just quickly today...I know angles and perspective is off, but more about the practice than the game.  

so hugs....as well as warm baths...are lovely...especially when you have a bad cough..

peace and love and hugs....live your life with arms wide open...because...it beats the other options... 

(check out my site, www.kelemurphyarts.com 
