Monday, November 17, 2014

burning brighter than the sun....

the universe nudges me in the right direction....sometimes it gives me a great big shove :) and THAT is when you start listening...before it kicks you in the junk.  :) 

hope spreads like peanut butter and tastes like jelly.   (i can't take credit for this gem...I stumbled upon


hope is the thing with feathers.... (Emily Dickinson)....

metaphors...without wouldn't be expressed in such beautiful imaginative ways....trying to express love...or hope....or bliss...would fall flat... people love to play with language....and...expressing thought and feeling.....emotion.

and what of the Sapir-Whorf argument...the strong version suggests that language determines thought....without a way to fully express the feeling of being....perhaps....over the moon...or on cloud nine or other feelings via tropes....what then?  I'm sure we would still feel what we feel....we would just be incredibly boring trying to express it...yes...and we may just never quite express what we are really thinking and feeling...

because we don't have the tools to convey it..?

but thankfully...we have metaphors...and a good metaphor....paints a whole picture...comes from a shared experience....or shared knowledge.....and goes much further than a simple adjective...

enriching our language....and maybe...our thoughts?  hard to say.....hard to say....just food for thought....ramblings today...sketches....sketches of thoughts.

words....language....images...powerful stuff...seeing and creating some beauty....and creating hope....

and seeds.....planting seeds that will sprout...see?  more freaking metaphors... images of beauty give your brain a jolt....of happy....and happiness...and a happy brain makes your brain think of positive hope....and to the world around.....yeah..sometimes it is that simple....sometimes.


be open and be love.

and reach for the is so easy to say....but seriously....listen to the universe...before it kicks you in the junk....and do that shhht.  :) the power of metaphors....bringing color to language and bringing voice to feeling....

oh yeah....and sorel boots, because they keep my feet as dry as the sonoran desert...and as warm as hot chocolate...and they feel like home....for my feet.  

home sweet home  :) 

(their second home is flip flops) 

and the power of the played by Howard Jones..... oh yeah....guilty.  

....burning brighter than the sun....

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