I just recently submitted some art to an art magazine...and I had to....give some thought about my painting....my direction...and what it all means to me. I've just been painting....just immersed in the painting...hadn't really....stopped to really contemplate...
so, here....is my artist's statement...and some of the works that I've been really liking lately...so I guess this is a mini- virtual exhibit of
Love Letters...
Love Letters...
I'm moved by the landscape of the human body and explore this landscape through water and color letting the paper take a direction that I follow, that I don't fight, rarely do I argue with the paper.
The body of work I am currently exploring is the relationship between artist and model, but more so than that, it is a celebration of love...whereby the paintings become love letters between artist and model. Intimacy is shared between the two, strength, beauty, love expressed through color and shape, line and curve, confidence of self appreciation, as artist and model are one. The exchange of energy that can often be overlooked or under expressed, a comfort and connect....when so much attention can be placed outward...I direct my gaze and thoughts, inward....feeling intuitively what is needed, discovering and rediscovering the complex relationship that is the one we have with ourself.
My color choices depend on my mood for that day expressing joy, sadness, power, and strength. I photograph myself in ways that convey, the dichotomy of powerful softness, a quiet, inner strength and from these photographs, I produce my paintings which take the bones of the digital image and overlay my emotions and love. Above all, this is a celebration of love and beauty and acceptance.
My color choices depend on my mood for that day expressing joy, sadness, power, and strength. I photograph myself in ways that convey, the dichotomy of powerful softness, a quiet, inner strength and from these photographs, I produce my paintings which take the bones of the digital image and overlay my emotions and love. Above all, this is a celebration of love and beauty and acceptance.
One thing of the things that
I attempt to do in my work is the concept of less is more. I appreciate the message that can be effectively and even more so, concisely delivered with fewer words. I think a painting that can move someone with suggestions rather than the explicit draws in a viewer, allowing them to bring more of themselves to the interpretation. I embrace this concept and hope that my art allows the viewer freedom to discover something in my work that is uniquely- theirs.
I attempt to do in my work is the concept of less is more. I appreciate the message that can be effectively and even more so, concisely delivered with fewer words. I think a painting that can move someone with suggestions rather than the explicit draws in a viewer, allowing them to bring more of themselves to the interpretation. I embrace this concept and hope that my art allows the viewer freedom to discover something in my work that is uniquely- theirs.
What I also hope to do is to inspire, to exhibit a freedom and self appreciation that others can embrace and open themselves up to the experience and journey- however they want to express what they need to....in their way.
so...here's to peace and love...and love letters...
so...here's to peace and love...and love letters...
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