Wednesday, November 5, 2014


the sun shall not smite I by day...nor the moon by night...

and everything that I do...shall be upfull and right.... Bob Marley 

My mom went to Jamaica for a vacation with a friend of hers...when I was in 6th grade....and when she came home....

she brought....Bob Marley.   and this began my love of reggae....and today....all day...Bob Marley....just riding this's a long one... and I'm quiet....chilled....peace.   

I'm totally....upfull.... totally sedate....totally high on this life...nothing and peace today....maybe it's the full moon coming soon....or maybe it's just the glorious sun outside shining away....or's just things to be thankful for....peace....

I'm totally killing this day....and it feels good....question: can I still be killing it if nobody is around to see?  

yeah....I think so too.  

and here....

just a brief one....I bought more watercolor paper today...but this is on really really cheap watercolor paper...but's not the cost of the's what you do to it.... 

(I'm going to post about my thoughts on brushes, paint, and paper later...) 

peace....and love....and here's to just....rocking your day....and Bob Marley...
who totally kicked...the crap out of it....


  1. Kelly, you can put others in the same place as you with your art. Thank you...I was invited to Bob Marleys hotel suite at the Edgewater in Madison after one of his last concerts in November '79 where a small party was going on. Yes I met him...and yes...Bob could and still can put us in his heart. Thanks again for reminding me of that...Bob

    1. Bob, that is just...incredibly sweet to say...and one thing that I hope my blog- my writing and art can do...touch people in a special way...and just...thanks so much for your comment. it made me smile. :)
