Friday, January 23, 2015

blossoming....opening the flower

an opening, blossoming....burgeoning flower.... full of freshness...a celebration of life....

funny how browsing over something simple today....sparked a whole bunch of stuff to say.  

today...I read, 

"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you."  - Maya Angelou

may your story be heard.....the authentic one...the one that makes you the amazing person you are...and may someone hear it's totality....and love...every...single...word...and embrace your verdurous truth.  

open your flower.....and reveal your story...take off the mask....get out of your own way and blossom.

"untold stories are not intended to be swallowed in death, they are to be expressed in life." 

keeping your story to yourself....makes me think of a flower....closed so tight....protecting itself from the world....not blossoming....not living....not growing....

and this from Anais Nin- "And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." 

and in Buddhist tradition, a blossoming lotus flower, emerges from a murky pond..and it's opening represents enlightenment...rising above the murkiness, to become self-aware...a rebirth of soul...rising out of the mud teaches us to take the right path....not the easy one.   

and sometimes....opening yourself up means...not everyone will understand your story...or why you're trying to tell it....

and some people might not even be on the same channel to hear them, it might seem discordant and undecipherable...and it might be unacceptable to them....

but....there will be someone who will listen....and hear....because they will be hearing the sweetest music...

and your song.... will be loved.  

it will be music to their ears because they will be singing the same song.  

someone actually said something to me that wasn't really nice today....because I think they just didn't understand my song....that's ok.  But remember, not everyone is singing for you, so maybe just move along quietly and respectfully.  I've learned not to let these people bother me too much- *delete*.  :) 

if you don't see the beauty and uplifting awesomeness here....just move along.   

peace...and love...and blossoming flowers.....and singing your song, loud.  


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