Monday, January 12, 2015


knowing knowing that I have a million guilty pleasures in of which is Howard Jones.

it's just...that....he totally...his music is exactly how i feel sometimes, sings out my spirit.  totally guilty.  (don't get me started on the Thompson Twins...omg) 

"I love you whether or not you love me...i love you even if you think that i don't.   sometimes I find you doubt my love for you, but I don't mind...

why should I mind?  why should i mind? 

and maybe love is letting people be just what they want to be, 
the door always must be left unlocked, 
to love when circumstance may lead someone away from you, 
and not to spend the time just doubting... 

(Howard Jones, What is love?)

leading up to Valentine's day....which I love...a day about love?  c'mon.   and so...leading up to Valentine's day...I'm going to have a bunch of blog posts about stuff.  sticky sweet...over the damn top...

and today....just...what is love?  love is the greatest makes the world go ''s that thing that makes us feel, alive. love. pure...and non-toxic love.  the stuff that makes us reach the highest of highs...

and is my duty to help spread that stuff around....through whatever talents I can offer the world...a smile....some paint on some  

What is love, anyway? the Greeks labeled four kinds of love....

the first is...
Agape....which is unconditional love....described in the lyrics above.  it is loving....and giving..with no expectations in return...for loving....for love's sake.  no restrictions.  It is what many strive for....but sometimes so hard to's like....take the garbage out....strip it down to the bare minimum....the most basic element...without all the stuff that clouds it.  Agape is committed and chosen love.  

and then there's Phileo, 

Phileo is warmth....affectionate and tender but platonic.   Love for someone....for their companionship and friendship.  

and then...Storge, which is family and friendship love....this love is what parents feel for children.  It feels comfortable and's unconditional...

and then...

Eros....eros is passionate, romantic love....intimate love....and eros can burn out if love- pure love...does not develop.  

just a little appetizer for what's to's going to be all about love here.....

peace...and love....and HoJo and everlasting...unconditional love....and my boots...are back....I'm out of practice with they may be back in the rotation for the next little bit.'s my damn blog.  :)  

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