Friday, January 9, 2015


here's the thing.

I don't like going to Michaels....but for the sake of convenience- i have to's the nearest place when I'm running around with kids...or in between kid drop offs- or whatever....I went....because I  

and by coupons...i mean....70% off type of  yeah.  motivated to go to Michaels for some watercolor paper.  

and as I was browsing some know...I don't buy expensive brushes...but hey...discounted...I wanted to have a little look-see.  right?  

and two ladies were shopping for some kind of beginner level acrylics- or whatnot....and this is what I overheard....

and really...I don't judge...but....

lady one "ok, so what should I get?  oh, where are the acrylic paint brushes? these are watercolors and, I have no desire to do watercolor...I's just flat.  It does nothing for me. "


I wanted to point to the nearest exit and say, "get out."    HAHAHAHAHAHA.  but seriously, 

I totally don't even need to explain myself here....because...


when someone totally doesn't believe in magic...or even try to be open to it, 

i'm not going to worry about it... 
some people will never have the capacity to see magic...recognize that spark of something special because they are too busy puttering around in their beige world...and it makes them perfectly content- that's fine....beige is ok......for other people.  and is fine to have an opinion...for the love of chrysler...but...if you have that opinion because you have no experience of that which you speak's time to get some.  :)

i believe in magic because magical things happen every day- and I'm witness to them...
and just because they don't come out and bite you in the ass to notice them....doesn't mean- they don't exist. it takes a special sort see magic.
it's not always served up the way you think it will's not necessarily a glittery trail of fairy dust...


it's all around you...surrounding you.  

you have to be still...and listen.  you might only see a plume of smoke coming out of a hidden chimney...and you might really need to look for it....and to see the fire within, means....maybe you should just....

shut your yap....and use all your senses...sorry if that's brazen...but it's my blog.  :)

cotton candy, butterflies, and bubble gum. :)

peace and love and....the kick ass magic of....well.....everything...celebrate that shit... 


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