Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Art and Light...breakthrough


So...I left my painting today....kinda of discouraged...and now...I'm working on a breakthrough...

At least I am working through these technical issues with the small one...so I can learn when I hit the large canvases.   (note to self...buy masking fluid-don't use glitter glue....ever.)

So...this next stage will require me to create a whole bunch of cut out cherry blossoms...

which in itself is a technical challenge.

These took about 10 minutes to paint...just a quick sketch.  I'm not sure I'm ready to paint these x 16 for each painting...  :)  plus cutting them out with an Xacto.  The adventure continues.

July 23, 8:00 a.m.

just working some things out... cherry blossom research.  :)

July 23, 3:30 p.m.

maybe "breakthrough" was spoken too soon.  I have been having the hardest time with this thing...

Here is the latest....transformation...

I think it's time to take off the masking fluid and figure out the next step.   This small one is a total practice canvas....and if it doesn't work out...I'll just recycle the canvas and do something else with it. Total learning experience...I've been trying to work out this concept for awhile...

The original piece of art I saw...apparently was metal- with cut out metal flowers....and since i'm not using metal...i'm having a hard time getting the effect I want.   hmmmmmm.

July, 23...4:13 p.m.

Ok...so now....I'm thinking about getting totally experimental on this canvas....yes....things are about to get real....


I'm thinking....some kind of modeling gel....and.... yes.  I'm gonna break out the gel and the titanium white....

I know....

July 23, 8:53 p.m.

and...the latest...I still have to work out the size of the petals and more details but....things are turning around...

I took the sheet of watercolor watermarks and cut them into petals... just playing around right now...nothing is committed...but....  here:

Like I said....things have turned around....I'm totally not finished yet...but....I am much happier with the direction things are going...


and it is always fun just rubbing off the masking fluid.  

July 24, 4:00 p.m. 

Here is a close up of what the petals will start looking like- the previous picture had petals that were too big...and now...I'm using an Xacto blade to cut out the stamen of the blossoms- and add extra opportunities for light to shine through.  :)

I am hoping the next time I post....I will have a LOT MORE petals cut out...and I won't cut myself- and bleed all over them.

Peace... and wish me luck.


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