Thursday, July 17, 2014


very soon...

I will probably develop a website for my art...but just for now...I'll post my art here...or a sample of it.

The first watercolors I think really inspired me were those of Winslow Homer...amazing.  

My Dad got me my first watercolor set- I mean...NON-CRAYOLA and non-elementary school water color set.  It was made by Pentel...and I loved the colors in it....he also got me a set of watercolor pencils...and I spent a lot of time painting that summer...the summer I spent in Washington D.C.- in 1988.  I'm not sure I actually have any water colors from that year...but I have a few old ones that I will post here...maybe develop a bit of a timeline...  I like oils and acrylics too, but watercolors with me...I let go of total control...and let the paper and paint work wonderful happens without me doing a whole lot.  I think you have to do that with watercolors...just let go....don't try too hard...and if it doesn't work out...take a breath and surrender...and...voila.  amazing.  

and perhaps...

In the beginning....I was really just figuring things most things you start in life...there is a period of discovery.

and then I really started to enjoy....just to sit back and enjoy.

This shoe is from a watercolor class I took in college around 1993-94...a study on the use of color...and getting a handle on dark and light, using just two colors.

and rarely- but sometimes I might get frustrated...but then realize...the less control....the more discovery...the better.  Life isn't about controlling everything... that is probably why I take prolonged breaks from oils and acrylics... and also...the fast easy clean up.

So here are some watercolors that never see the light of day...and I put them here so I can review and get inspired...they need some air.

This one is a bit experimental...but the colors are cool.  I used tape and a makeshift type of airbrush spray on the color and give some texture...I think I painted it in 1995-and the picture is from 1994 (photo credit to George Grove) Bahamas.

This tiny postcard was painted...somewhere in Mexico...maybe Puerto Vallarta, maybe 1998-1999.  Not certain...but vacations where I can sit and paint...always give me something special to remember.

This was from the Vallarta trip as well...

And this one is from hanging out at my Dad's in Alexandria, VA...around 1995, just before I moved to Arizona.  Probably between 1996-2000 I didn't paint a whole bunch of watercolors...which is sad.  Arizona didn't really inspire me- but when I was able to get to California...or Mexico...wherever I could see the ocean...that's when I got out the watercolors...and was happy to paint.

and then this...from a time around 2001 from a trip to the Keys...a couple nice watercolors came from this trip...although unfinished...I think it adds something to it.  not everything has to be finished.

I like the trailed off feeling....


and then there are these eggs....inspired from a painting session with my friend Deborah, back in AZ. I love the layers...and the colors...and the shape.

and then this...

I have no idea when I did this...but dragging it out of the portfolio...made me happy to see.  just playing with color.  It makes me think of thick grass...


Just recently....I sat down to paint...because I missed it.

and I painted this bowl of lemons...which then made me want to do more.

and so I painted this hibiscus....

and then this dandelion...

with the motion of flying, whirling seeds around it.

and also.... this mason jar with chive flowers.

and then....voila.  I just created a gallery.     A couple of artists really shaped my style- Winslow Homer and then this artist totally intrigues me... and I can totally identify with this stuff: 

Stephen Scott Young... see his stuff here.    Amazing.   I love it.

less is me- and the suggestion of something makes more sense than really making something completely explained...

but that's just



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