Sunday, July 20, 2014

New Project...light and art...the process


I am starting a new project....and I will update this blog showing the progress of it...  :)

To start...I like art that has many functions...pottery is awesome because you can use it every single day...and it brings some beauty into your life.

Paintings are great...and make a place look pretty...but it's also nice if they can work a little as well....after hours.  :)


light installations.

Paintings are great on a wall during the day...but what about when the lights go out?  What about then?    I sound like a salesperson....I am going to stop that right now.

First step....practicing...

Cherry Blossoms.


next step...

Planning...the planning stage is the stage...that I kills my creative momentum sometimes...

I do not like to prep rooms for painting walls...I will avoid this...and when I do is a horrible mess of tape....

I do not like to wrap gifts....I am horrible at it from the first fold of the paper...and is a horrible mess of tape...and folding.

I usually just want to jump into the thing and figure it out as I go.  I have an idea in my head...of this project...

and most times...the jumping into it...and then figuring it out thing...produces something so amazing...that I wouldn't have wanted to plan what I was thinking in the beginning....that the road to get there morphed my ending to something...utterly....exquisite.   So...anyways...the take away....go with the flow and be flexible...being set on one direction is incredibly limiting.   :)

I'm excited...

and I will post the getting

Where was I?

oh yes....the Planning stage... or rather....time to percolate and anticipate the jumping in moment...


The jumping in....

Sunday...July 20, around 1:47 pm.

my office....under the threat of sprinkles....but painting outside is just the best....

the canvas is 36 x 48.

I don't really care long as my canvas lays flat against somewhere...
natural light...and feeling the sunshine and the breeze is...sublime.  

That is half the battle...sitting down in front of a canvas in a dedicated space.  


to jump in....

and commit.  

The branches are going in get a feel for the space and start planning the attack of the masking fluid.  I love putting on the neon orange of the masking fluid.  LOVE IT.

July 20, around 2:10 pm....and....I'm out of masking fluid...shoot.

guess I will have to wait until tomorrow to get more....

This is a total example of jumping in with no plan....

-  I ran out of masking fluid- which totally makes me stop...which is a good thing.  now I can sit back and percolate some more....

this totally makes me evaluate and react to what I just did.  I had no plan- so I just kinda started applying the fluid- listening to music and just going with the brush strokes.

and wherever the masking fluid is...that's where the canvas will be without paint...and the light can shine through.   I haven't totally worked this I'm happy to have this bright orange all over the painting so I can figure out how much light I want...and where... once dry- the masking fluid just rubs off...

and it may look like a huge mess of chaos right now...but...that isn't what I see.  I see the awesomeness that will come later...that is my determined goal.  :)

and.... to percolate....this is the part where I really gotta start dealing with and working out the technical issues.  If I stay here too long...I have a canvas sitting in the basement covered in masking fluid for months.

July 21, 12:30 pm.

Back..with more masking fluid...and more canvases...

I am going to work on the two 36 x 48 canvases and a smaller 30 x 30 canvas...

masking fluid... applied.

and now...I have to go rescue a dragonfly from the trampoline screen.   I am a super hero....


I am back to the blog updates...having just saved this dragonfly from death and despair.  He is enormous!


Back to the painting.  I have three canvases covered in masking fluid...I'm not sure I have covered them to my liking...and I might need to get more masking fluid- or maybe I am procrastinating...and getting nervous for the next jumping in point.

I need to work out what style I'm going to commit too in the next stage...and I also want to go get the lighting figured out so I can see what the blossoms will look like.

I also bought some paint for this project today....

I love this Golden stuff that acts more like watercolor than acrylic.   It is smooth...and translucent and bleeds like watercolor.  I am a big fan.  I want the painting to have a lot of watercolor I need to be really careful about how much paint to use...because- although it runs like does not layer like it...and so- when I get a cool "watermark"  I need to leave it alone...I can't keep applying paint on top.  This project is going to go incredibly fast once I start painting...there is no room for fu*king with it...

July 22, about 1:30 pm

The arsenal:

Before I's really bugging me that I have no more masking fluid...and I just want to add a little bit more....crap....hmmmmm.  what to use......hmmmmmm.

It turns out....this glitter glue....not a good option.  I thought it would rub off....being crappy kid's glue.   and it turns  

Moving on....and learning.  If you want masking fluid...just buy the damn masking fluid.  

And I'm ready to start..although I have no idea what's going to happen.  I discovered that instead of buying burnt sienna...I picked up something that looks like the bottle....easy a hurry with kids...

and it turns out...

it is amazing....kind of bright like iodine.  :)

and now.... to start.

It looks pretty cool so far....

and then....

Things took a turn....

This is absolutely not where I want to go with this...but it is a necessary step.  Sometimes things get worse....before the brilliant breakthrough... I'm waiting for the brilliant breakthrough...

it will come....

I am sure of it...

Check back with fingers crossed.

What needs to happen to this is....time...patience...and a whole lotta determination...  :)  I got this...

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