Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Green Bottles

a gathering of colors for the painting in this post....

the other day... I walked by my favorite green bottles outside on the table.  sun...shining through them...all mesmerizing and brilliantly green...

Here is the picture again...I posted it somewhere else as well...but here it is....

This picture inspired paint.  

The shadows....all illuminated with green watercolor-like marks on the wood....amazing.  

the green is so soothing and lovely in this picture... 

So then....

I got started....

and then.....

and then hoping for some cool effect...I threw a bunch of salt on the paper and continued to layer....

But...not really liking that....salt can be really cool or it can be too much... 
(also, alcohol can make some cool effects)


I tried to remove some of the salt...

and...I know I still have more to do to these bottles....but I'm happy with them for now... all light...and sparkly and lovely bright green.  

and actually....

the picture is pretty cool too....just like this...

I'm sure this is something I'll try to paint again...  it's many things that could be done to this...maybe next time...more abstract....less is more kinda thing.  

I'm sure we walk by things all the time...things we should just stop and soak in...   



ripples of love...and inspiration... 


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