Thursday, April 23, 2015


the word, rompecabezas, means 'puzzle' in Spanish....literally...because puzzles are like, head breakers....hahahahah.  

I poured out a 200 piece puzzle of a pug puppy out on the table....and there it sits...until I start working on it and engage Zoey.....

she's a bit intimidated by it takes some encouraging....

and as she tries...and gets discouraged....and I talk to her....I realize...our dialogue...and the profound metaphor for life that this puzzle represents....

I say, " Zoey, stop trying to make them fit, they don't- so move on...."

 (sometimes you need to move on, it's not giving up, it's just recognizing that a better solution, a better fit is around the corner).

and...then, she says, "Nothing I do works." ......and I say,

 "hey, where do you get this givey-upey thing?"

 (just because one thing doesn't work, just....try something different, don't give up, sometimes the piece you need is right in front of you, and you just haven't picked it up yet)

also, you need to be clever...and smart about the pieces you pick up...

if they don't look like they will fit, one is an isn't....then, hey....maybe they just won't fit.

Pieces don't magically fit because you want them to.... they fit.... because they match...perfectly..


lessons.....and life.....and metaphors.......

and traveling.....oh, yeah....traveling with little kids will teach you a lot.....

 I think about the road trips I've taken with kids by myself....and how some people think of it as 'brave'....but there are things you   

Because that's who you are....that you don't bat a lash at packing up a car with kids and head out....because you know you are resourceful....and strong....

and because worst case hypotheticals never have a chance with me....I don't think about them...they don't enter my know...the regular hypotheticals that could actually happen...I know I'd deal with them in a practical, resourceful manner..., oh, and probably a bunch of swearing.


once in a while, I entertain a really weird thought...something that is....I won't say "out of the realm of possibilities" because, to me...all things are possible... but...let's say, a slim chance of happening...'s say, you woke up from a deep sleep...the room is dark-ish and you realize there is a really big lion in the room....on the floor....standing by the door....

and....go......solve it.....get out of the situation....there is always a way out...but some ways are better than others....

and some ways....get you shredded by a lion....and some ways....get you out without a scratch.

but you know...if you don't entertain survival get soft.

not everyone appreciates these scenarios....

Jason....doesn't like these kinds of scenarios presented to him...especially not right before going to sleep and....especially not the one where...'ok, you wake up and there's a scorpion on your face'-type of problem.

I say...people are lucky to have me...

make them think these things through.


peace...and love...and solving.....rompecabezas.  

1 comment:

  1. Of course, the reason you don't panic thinking about a lion in the because you've been living with a tiger in the bedroom for years!! Grrrrarrrr!!
