Tuesday, April 14, 2015

speed of love...E=mc2, etc.

I've had the flu for a few days....I apologize if this is.....wait, no I don't...

it's my blog.  :)  HA!  I don't have to apologize for my damn blog.

what travels faster than the speed of light?

quantum theory says, that...quantum entanglement is faster than the speed of light ...and particles ...like- electrons...can vibrate simultaneously- even when separated, they have an invisible umbilical cord that connects them...and their states can't be described independently....this is to say, if one vibrates the other does as well...which illustrates that this connection travels instantaneously.....traveling faster than sound...

look, I'm no quantum physicist, I'm a linguist....but....I think that....

Love works that way too....we are, after all....a bunch of particles.

as I mentioned before about limbic resonance....the emotions resonating in one individual can cause another to feel the same... this can go for not so great emotions as well...someone experiencing anxiety...depression, paranoia...can impact a room...just as someone spreading peace and love brings that energy to a space...

love can resonate....spreading love.... at the speed of love. :)  amazing things can happen when this happens....

across boundaries....particles affecting particles....interconnected energy.

crazy stuff happens when you start making connections... :)  because so often, isn't it true, that scientists hyper-specialize in a certain area, a certain discipline...and sometimes lose sight of the way things are connected...how each piece impacts the other....and the overlap gets overlooked...or under examined.

and, I read...(Frederickson) that especially Westerners....think of emotions as being only of the individual...a personal thing...a private event....however, emotions....fear and love...have a widespread effect....resonating...and connecting to others...

in fact.....love....is experienced....as a connection to other people....it is a shared emotion...and the more the love experience is shared...a sharing of positive emotions....the stronger and more easily

in the same vein as emotion and connections....(ha, I know...I'm kind of being random-ish)

There's a researcher...Barbara Frederickson, who wrote a book called, Love 2.0, which I haven't read...but through research, I have learned about her main points....building on the Anais Nin quote...

"Anxiety is love's greatest killer.  It creates the failures.  It makes others feel as you might when  drowning man holds on to you.  You want to save him, but you know he will strangle you with his panic. "  Anais Nin, 1947...

and so...in response to this, Frederickson writes, "people who suffer from anxiety, depression, or even loneliness...or low self-esteem perceive threats far more often than circumstances warrant...this overalert state thwarts both positivity and positivity resonance...feeling unsafe, then, is the first obstacle to love."

and so...the pattern continues...anxiety builds on anxiety...killing love and intimacy... 

what's my point?   connection....and what you put out there....is what you get resonating back to you...

throw love out there....and you will spread love...and by love...I mean....non-judgemental...compassionate....love...the kind that realizes that we are all connected...the love you have for yourself...and the love you are able to give....is the love that flows back to you....feeling more instances of love....will actually allow you to feel more love and give more love.  

why is love so important?  why? why? why?  because.... it's good medicine....  it cures all kinds of stuff....it makes you live longer....and happier...that's why.  because...people need it...and people need to give it.  

and living a life of loneliness and fearful of life, well.....sucks...and sometimes you have to realize when it's time to stop enabling people living this way...and resonating their energy that leaves the room begging for some positivity.... 

because you always have a chance, a right... to swim on your own...without being strangled in the panic....and maybe that person....finally learns to stop struggling...find their strength....and start swimming...all on their own.  

so....bottom line...if you aren't living a life full of love.... then.... you need to, because it's good for you, dammit.  It's a decision...to get out of the box....

and live....

peace...and love.....and quantum physics.  :)  

and taking responsibility for your particles...

and what your particles do to other particles. 
