there's this is a glimpse into what kind of weird crap I think about.....
and my husband loves the rabbit holes I go down.....
the galaxy of ideas....nebulous.....
I'm not even sure what it ear pics up some weird type of melody, or a sequence of tone changes- well....yes, melody, then, but not a set melody...more of the way high and low contrast each other...
....I've heard it in many different songs...
I'm not even sure what it I'm gathering a list of them, as I hear them....
I know....this is the weird shit that academics do..... start gathering data to analyze later...because I know I'm hearing something interesting....and I want to figure that shit out...
and so....that's me. sometimes I think these things are normal...and then I write it here...
and think....huh.
maybe this is a weird thing only...I'm doing...and then I start to research it...and then find out...I find some crazy journal article like in some music journal about exactly what I am trying to figure out....
and so anyway....
when I figure it'll be the first to know. :) shoot...if I could explain it...maybe I could even get other people to send me similar songs...and create my own type of figure out some kind of very obvious's probably a third...or fifth...or something that has to do with sharps and flats...or meandering portamento...whatever the heck it is....
I've started emailing myself names of the songs as I hear them....fascinating...I bet you are on the edge of your seat....
wow. :)
and so...anyway.....the life of a linguist....the ears are always 'on' and you say shit....and for me...I'm listening to language....
I've probably been primed to be a linguist my whole life....I think when you have a parent who says something different than what she is actually get pretty good at pragmatics and prosody....and those skills get sharpened...
and instead of a syntactician.... I'm a phonologist. voila.
so yeah...I've been training to be a linguist my whole life. :)
peace...and love....and really....really listening....not just hearing....but....truly listening....
Fónagy, Ivan, and Klara Magdics. "Emotional patterns in intonation and music." STUF-Language Typology and Universals 16.1-4 (1963): 293-326.
Kolinsky, Régine, et al. "Processing interactions between phonology and melody: Vowels sing but consonants
speak." Cognition 112.1 (2009)
Prosody: The Music of Language and Speech:
and.....many others...
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