Sunday, April 26, 2015

What a dream I had.....

once, I was painting an oil painting....of a woman in the water....I'll have to post it kind of reminded me of someone...somehow...lost at sea?  clinging to a rock, yet peacefully all alone....

and weirdly...the song,

For Emily, Wherever I May Find Her....kind of just touched me as I painted...and set the mood for the painting for me....

and it was a late night of painting....and I listened to that song....over and over....

there's something haunting and peaceful about Art Garfunkel's voice...and I can't say that I'm a huge fan....but...a couple of songs speak to me....and so....for some really weird reason...

I got an itch to paint Art Garfunkel.....a picture of a young Art...

and then it struck me to use this....cling wrap technique for his hair....

and I think this is a perfect time to just....indulge in a entertain directions that take you to places you haven't been....

to listen to, really listen to whatever comes up and say....yeah...I'm gonna try that....because why not?

and so....I decided to listen....and go with it.....who knows why it entered in my mind to do this?

Ha....I have no idea why, I still don't...but....there was something about his picture that made me want to paint it.

and so....simply.

I did.

there's something rewarding about having an idea....

and following through with it....

and seeing how...

it comes



peace and love....and listening to whims.....

there doesn't always need to be a reason to do something....

sometimes a whim, just needs to be heard.  

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