Monday, April 13, 2015


did you know....(get ready for some fluffier things...)

that the phrase, in the pink, has a very interesting origin....well, even...maybe the word for "pink" for that matter...

freaking interesting things to find on the inter webs.....  wow.

so, the phrase, in the pink, granted...this is someone else's research...I'm merely just pointing out what someone found.... goes. :)  from, Leigh's Kensington Gardens, 1720

"Tis the Pink of the Mode, to marry at first sight: - and some, indeed, marry without any sight at all..."

The 'pink of the mode, is the acme of excellence of fashion....and was used throughout the 19th century....

and apparently...the origin of this phrase could have come from- according to this site, the dianthus flower....which are commonly the color pink... (these flowers were always in our garden growing up...and learned from my Mom...that you can eat the petals...)


and....also..... perhaps the color name, 'pink' actually came from the Dutch word, meaning little eye, for these flowers...the word, pinck-ooghen...and given that these flowers are called, Pinks...well....there it the math and whatnot.....

and apparently these Pinks...were a favorite of Elizabeth I...and well, then.....Pinks were associated with excellence...

and bam..... things like this happen all the time....words...history...symbolism....shifts and whatnot...and generations go by...

and sometimes....we stop and wonder...why.

and it's fascinating anyway...


pink can represent hope....and love....and good health....and....kindness and tenderness....'s to love and peace.....and pink.  oh...and in honor of motivation Monday....

try something different....

when we do different things...we get different things.  

I know....profound.  

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