Tuesday, May 5, 2015

the answer and question...

I read...

the only way to begin to find the answer is to make space for the question....


I mean...it does seem that we struggle with life...or decisions....where to go...what to do....and when we need the answer.....we overlook the question....

we don't necessarily give the question a voice....or give it space to exist.  The important questions...

let's take....happiness.   sometimes...

just existing....without asking questions....is purely surface....survival...what makes you happy?  not just...momentary flash of happiness...but...

core happy.

are you doing what you want? or are you living for others and what they want of you?  

I think some people take each thing that might happen in a day...and string a few things together that  make them...content....and call it a day...and say...they're happy.  

but...not really asking....or giving room...for the deeper questions to exist...

no questions...and no answers....nothing better....and nothing changing....daily motion...mindless and emotionless.... afraid to face their passion? because......that's a lot of work...to reach your passion.  

because maybe they are afraid of the questions?  and thus afraid of the answers?  afraid they will face themselves and find that they have some serious work to do...on themselves.   

the process is as important....as the outcome....the questions are as important as the answers...

and doing the same things to get different results doesn't cut it...right?  you gotta do something different....to get something different.  

it's a time to do different things....to get different results...making new paths....seeking more honest exchanges....and skipping the surface platitudes....I'm diffusing a lot of important information here....common sense stuff that people start to ignore...becoming numb to the things knocking at their door....because the din of mediocrity is like white noise, drowning out the melodies you need to listen to....

your own melody.  your song...you know...the one that makes your heart smile.

and it takes courage....to wake up....and live your dreams....to tune out the white noise...and hear your own song....the one that is yours.

so, now is the time to ask questions...

and trust that....things are coming together... that because you are asking questions....and thinking of your dreams....you've already started.....

to make things happen.

and that's...


give yourself a high five.... and I'm not saying that we all need to take peyote...quit jobs and move to a tropical destination to find ourselves and be happy....

because an unhappy person, taking peyote...and moving to a foreign land...will still be an unhappy person in paradise....maybe with a tan....

you can find yourself and happiness....right where you are sitting, if you are reading this....sitting.

because....all it does....is takes a bit of love for yourself, forgiveness....some magic...some quiet....to listen to what you have to say....it all comes from within you.....all the answers...and all the questions....you always have a choice....

and choosing love...instead of fear....is one of the most important ones to make.  stop being afraid of what others will think.....stop fearing what will happen to the world should you make a decision to ultimately make yourself the happiest you've ever been...fear never births anything resembling love.

and then....it takes a little bit of.....an inhale.....hold your breath.....rip off the band-aid.....take a leap.....

close your eyes, and make a wish.

choose love...for yourself.....and for others.....and loving others doesn't mean you live for others...


it means, you respect yourself and let others know that you need to live....the way you need to live and not spend your life....asleep at the wheel...or on auto-pilot....that you are awake and navigating your life....based on love....and not fear...

and if you're navigating with love....

you're pointed in the right direction....and turn your song up to 11, so you can really hear it....

and remember...you aren't alone....we're all trying to listen and honor our song.

peace and love....technicolor vision.....and mango mayo sandwiches and MANÁ!!

porque hoy es el 5 de Mayo!  :)  celebramos México y la Batalla de Puebla!  


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